
Undergraduate and graduate courses I teach at the University of Virginia

Physical Hydrology (EVSC 3600)
Studies the physical principles governing the flow of water on and beneath the earth’s surface, including open channel hydraulics, ground water hydraulics, and dynamics of soil moisture.

Biomechanics of Organisms (EVSC 3060)
Explores interactions between biology and the fluid environment (air and water) within which organisms function. Examines such issues as animal locomotion, heat exchange, mass exchange, bio-acoustics, and bio-optics in air and water, as well as living at the interface between the two fluids.

Coastal Oceanography (EVSC 5060)
An interdisciplinary course which covers physical, biological, and chemical processes occurring along coastlines and within coastal ecosystems.

Dynamics of Oceans and Estuaries (EVSC 5440)
Studies the physical properties, processes, and structure of the oceans; mass and energy budgets; methods of measurements; and the nature and theory of ocean currents, waves, and tides in the open sea, near shore and in estuaries.

Hydrological Transport Processes (EVHY 5650)
Examines the transport of dissolved substances, and of sediment and particulate matter in terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Watershed Restoration (EVHY 5559)
This class studies how land use/land cover change and infrastructure alter the cycling of water, carbon and nutrients compared to natural ecosystems, and how principles derived from the study of undeveloped watersheds and ecosystems can be used to guide watershed restoration.