

1997  B.S.  Cornell University, Civil and Environmental Engineering

1998  M.S.  Stanford University, Civil and Environmental Engineering

2004  Ph.D  Stanford University, Civil and Environmental Engineering

2004-2007  Post-Doc   University of California Berkeley, Integrative Biology

(Ph.D. advisors: Jeff Koseff and Stephen Monismith; Post-doc advisors: Mimi Koehl and Mark Stacey)

Professional Appointments

2019-present; Professor, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia

2019-present; Professor (by courtesy), Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia

2016-2019; Associate Professor (by courtesy), Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia

2013-2019; Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia

2007-2013 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia

2004-2007 Post-Doctoral Scientist, Dept. of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley, Miller Research Fellow

1997-2004 Research Assistant, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University

1996-1997 Research Assistant, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University

1996 Teaching Assistant, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University

Selected Awards and Honors

2022 Outstanding Researcher Award, Office of the Vice-President for Research, University of Virginia

2021 Friday Harbor Laboratories New Faculty Researcher Fellowship, University of Washington

2015 Pritchard Award, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation

2012 CAREER Award, National Science Foundation

2011 All-University Teaching Award, University of Virginia

2011 Mead Honored Professor (for student-faculty interaction), University of Virginia

2010 Distinguished Young Investigator (FEST grant), University of Virginia

2009-2010 University Teaching Fellow, University of Virginia

2009-2010 Professors as Writers Fellow, University of Virginia

2004-2007 Miller Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of California Berkeley

2003 Best Speaker Award, NSF/ONR Physical Oceanography Dissertation Symposium II

1997-2000 Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University